Vegan banana bread

Vegan Banana Bread Recipe – How to make it

Do you love banana bread, but do you eat vegan? No problem, because a banana bread is very suitable for making vegetable. Eggs often serve as a binding agent, but these are easy to replace. And the butter that is sometimes used is also very easy to obtain vegetable these days. Or you can omit the butter altogether and opt for a healthier option. Read here how to do this and what a delicious recipe for vegan banana bread is.

What is vegan banana bread?

To answer this question it is good to start with what banana bread is. Because it’s called ‘bread’, but actually we eat this deliciousness more often as a kind of cake. This is partly due to the sweet taste and airy texture. With a dollop of vegetable whipped cream or dotted fruit spread it looks like a pastry!

Banana bread is simple, tasty and responsible. It is a light cake that is basically made of bananas, flour, butter and egg. We replace the butter in our recipe for oil and the eggs are replaced by apple cider vinegar and baking soda (baking soda). In this way you bake a wonderfully airy vegan banana bread that is full of flavor.

Sweet bananas in your vegan bread

Banana bread is sweet because of the ripe fruit it uses. Ripe bananas are sweeter than unripe fruits because the ripening process causes starch to be converted into sugar.

It is therefore good to use tasty sweet and preferably brown colored bananas for your recipe. A nice side effect: it also saves on food waste!

Replace animal products with vegetable products

Most banana breads are baked without an egg. Also, the original recipes do not include butter on the ingredient list. Have you seen a delicious banana bread recipe that uses egg or butter and do you want to make it vegan? Then use one of the following tips to replace animal products with plant-based variants.

Tip: Replace egg with apple vinegar and baking soda

Replace egg with apple cider vinegar and baking soda (baking soda)? It might sound weird and it might not be the first thing you think of when looking for a plant-based alternative to eggs, but it’s highly recommended! When you mix the baking soda with the apple cider vinegar, it will foam. Don’t be alarmed if this happens: the foam ensures that you will get a wonderfully airy batter later.

Why does apple cider vinegar foam with baking soda?

The chemical reaction between the two products creates gas. This gas is carbon dioxide and therefore not dangerous. It also doesn’t taste any different. Foaming actually reduces the acidity of the vinegar a bit.

Note: Always mix your apple cider vinegar-baking soda mixture in a separate bowl before adding it to the rest of your batter, to make sure it foams well. This will make your vegan banana bread wonderfully fluffy.

Tip: Replace butter with margarine or oil

Adding butter is often not necessary if your bananas are well ripe. Would you rather have a cake than a loaf of bread? Then you can choose to use some margarine in the batter. This makes the banana bread vegan and makes it a bit fuller. Another option is to add a dash of oil to the batter. This can be both olive oil and sunflower oil, whichever you prefer.

Vegan banana bread – a recipe

Is your mouth watering and do you want to bake a delicious vegetable banana bread? Then after a bit of searching on the internet you can choose from a lot of recipes.

Almost every banana bread is basically the same. You can use the recipe below and add extras such as nuts or chocolate to your own taste.

Basic recipe banana bread vegan


  • 4 ripe bananas, preferably the skin is already a bit brown
  • 225 g flour of your choice (this can be wheat flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 dash (about the size of a teaspoon) apple cider vinegar
  • 75 ml soy or almond milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons sugar
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 100 ml oil of your choice (e.g. olive oil or sunflower oil) or 50 gr vegetable butter
  • Optional: nuts and raisins to spoon through the batter
  • Cake or baking tin, greased with oil or lined with baking paper
  • Kitchen machine


Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celcius. Put 3.5 ripe bananas in the food processor and add the almond milk (or other plant-based milk of your choice) and mix until smooth.

Add the olive oil or vegetable butter to the batter and mix briefly.

Add the flour, pinch of cinnamon, sugar and salt and mix again briefly so that everything is well mixed. Optionally, you can add a teaspoon of baking powder to the batter.

Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, combine the apple cider vinegar and baking soda until it foams. Add this foam mixture to the batter and stir gently. Now your batter is ready!

Want to add another bite? Then add a handful of coarsely chopped nuts and some raisins to the batter.

Put the banana bread batter in the cake or baking pan and smooth out. Cut the last 0.5 banana into elongated slices and place on top of the batter.

Place the filled baking pan in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Check with a skewer if the batter is cooked and let it cool slightly.

Eat the first slice while the cake is still warm, the rest can be stored covered in the fridge for about 4-6 days. Lets eat!