sustainability apps

Download the best sustainability apps

Do you already use sustainability apps in your endeavor to have a more sustainable lifestyle? I do! Sustainability apps can support us on a daily basis and make your life actually more sustainable in a very easy and accessible way.

A sustainable lifestyle can be so easy!

More and more, mobile devices support us in our daily activities. They wake us up, show us the way, keep our agenda, help us communicating, are our personal assistants and way more. The same way, applications can make it easy for you to live more sustainably.

You only need to download the best sustainability apps.

Look no further, because I’ve made a list of the best sustainability apps. Download them today and improve your life, but then in a climate-friendly way.

Oh, and another important thing: Sustainability apps don’t limit your life, but actually enhance it and make it more luxurious.

TreeClicks – Plant a tree with every online purchase

TreeClicks is more of a revolutionary app that uses available technologies to meet a climate-friendly cause.

We all shop online. If you download the TreeClicks plugin in your browser, TreeClicks plants a tree for every online purchase you make.

How? They use the fees to plant trees. What fees? The fees they receive from more than 50.000 websites for bringing you in as a client.

It can’t get any easier to be a bit more sustainable. Download the TreeClicks plugin here.

Search For Trees For iOS

Search For Trees – Search with a Google-powered search engine and plant trees for free

The Search For Trees app for iOS offers users a unique and effortless way to contribute to environmental conservation. Partnering with Trees for the Future, the app allows users to actively support reforestation efforts with each online search.

The search engine is powered by Google. They donate 60% of their revenue to tree planting.

By seamlessly integrating into the user’s browsing experience, Search For Trees turns everyday searches into tangible contributions to tree planting projects and sustainable agricultural initiatives. The app provides a simple and effective means for individuals to make a positive impact on the environment, aligning with the broader goal of creating a greener and more sustainable world.

With Search For Trees on iOS, users can easily transform their digital activities into a force for positive change.

ihuerting app

iHuerting – Your assistant for your urban garden

Build your own urban garden from nothing to a green urban oasis. “But I don’t know anything about gardening”. Don’t worry, iHuerting helps you step by step.

Read more: What is sustainability?

They give you advices to create your garden, but also assist you with taking care of your urban garden. They actually remind you when to water your plants, add fertilizers and organic solutions to help your plants grow the best possible way.

Start gardening. Download the iHuerting app for Android and iOS.

oroeco app

Oroeco – Calculate your carbon footprint

Calculate your carbon footprint with the Oroeco app.

It calculates you daily carbon footprint based on you transportation, food consumption, electricity use, leisure activities, etc.

It’s good to realize the actual ecological footprint you have on our planet.

And then the Oroeco app helps you to reduce your carbon footprint. It offers you tips you can actually apply in your own life.

Try it out for free. Download the iOS and Android app.

love food hate waste app

Love food, hate waste – Don’t let food go to waste

Did you know that one third of food production for human consumption goes to waste? What a huge shame. How to change this? Well, start in your own home. The Love Food Hate Waste app helps you to better organize your food, in order to reduce your food waste.

The app offers for example a cookbook with meals from leftovers, but also offers shopping lists, a consumption planner and a storage planner.

Don’t let food go to waste. Download the Love Food Hate Waste app.

Bikemap – Cycle routes around the world

bikemap app

Cycling is fun, active and really climate friendly. With the Bikemap app you can download bike paths and routes in more than 80 countries.

And it gives you more information, like slope, elevation and other important data you might want when cycling. The app is updated frequently with new routes. So it’s really an app by cyclists for other cyclists.

You want to cycle more? Download the Bikemap app for more cycle routes.

sustainable development goals appAlways up to date with the Sustainable Development Goals

Check the newest version of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations on your own devices. With this app you always have it within reach.

The app also allows you to get personal notifications on certain subjects.

Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals dear to you? Download them in this app.

HowGood – Food guide for sustainable food

howgood app

Check with the HowGood app how sustainable your food product has been produced. This app contains information about over 100.000 food products. De app has analyzed the products based on six indicators, of which among others: food processing, community impact and level of commitment to sustainability of the producer.

This app therefor helps you to know the level of sustainability of a product and brand you want to buy. It’s really difficult to know this based on an image or package, as these tend to be misleading. The app is independent and helps you to decide between sustainable products and lesser sustainable products.

Take this assistant with you to the supermarket. Download the HowGood app today.

Share your own sustainability tips with Joulebug

joulebug app

You have more sustainability tips or know more apps? Share it with others through Joulebug. This app will offer you tips to make your daily life more sustainable. But it goes one step further. Through this app you can share your sustainability tips with other users. You can share your ideas and tips throw statistics, videos, etc.

It’s a great idea to share sustainability tips with friends and family.

Do you have a great idea or solution? Share it with Joulebug and download the Joulebug app.